What are all these posts?!?!


These are the beginning of my book! I have had several people tell me I should write a book about my life, those closest to me who know my story, say it must be shared. It is not extraordinary, at least to me, it just feels like your life feels to you. But I do see the miraculous love and grace of God rescuing me, sustaining me, changing me slowly and painfully along the way. Of course I can not capture every moment of my life, that would get rather boring, but I will do the best I can to show how God left nothing to chance, how he used it all to shape me and break me into a broken worshiper of him. My story is really about him moving through the backdrop of my life, weaving circumstances and people, into a beautiful yet sometimes painful story of redemption. My story is really His story. He is amazing!
Wherever you are in this world, he can be seen in the shadows of your life as well as those shining moments. He is there with you through both times. Ask for faith to see him and he will reveal himself. But be prepared to be amazed. His is truly an amazing grace!
I have been so blessed by others’ stories whether written or spoken. We all need to be shown, reminded, that God does not forget us, that he will break through and redeem. All of our stories matter for they point to the great Story-writer. So yes, this is just another story, but they all matter.
To God be the Glory, great things he hath done, so loved he the world that he gave us his son. Who yielded his life an atonement for sin, that opened the life gate that all may come in. Praise The Lord, Praise The Lord, let the people rejoice, Praise The Lord praise The Lord, let the earth hear his voice, oh come to the Father through Jesus the son, and give him the glory great things he hath done!